AMP-3 iFak First Aid Kit with MOLLE Bag
is Compact, Comprehensive and Weather Resistant, (iFak) Individual First Aid Kit. Made in the USA and always Hand-Packed one kit at a time. Designed by USNERDOC Prepare now to be prepared.
2x4 Large bandage, Knuckle bandage, Finger-tip bandage, Strip bandages,ABD Pad, 4x4 Gauze pads
Oval moleskin pads,Non-stick pad, Transparent dressings, Butterfly dressings, Skin tape, Antibiotic ointment
Sting relief pads, Alcohol pads, Antimicrobial wipes, PVP Prep pads, Irrigation syringe, Zerowet irrigation tip
Liquid skin glue, Tincture of benzoin, Splinter Out, Safety pins, Folding razor knife, Mini utility scissor
Precision tip tweezers, Mini pencil & protective cap, Pocket CPR face shield, Ibuprofen, Aspirin
Acetaminophen, Ranitidine, Diphenhydramine, Meclizine, Hydrocortisone cream,
All labels laser printed on waterproof Rite-in-the-Rain paper, and LokSak Element-Proof Carry Bag
AMP-3 iFak First Aid Kit with MOLLE Bag
is Compact, Comprehensive and Weather Resistant, (iFak) Individual First Aid Kit. Made in the USA and always Hand-Packed one kit at a time. Designed by USNERDOC Prepare now to be prepared.
2x4 Large bandage, Knuckle bandage, Finger-tip bandage, Strip bandages,ABD Pad, 4x4 Gauze pads
Oval moleskin pads,Non-stick pad, Transparent dressings, Butterfly dressings, Skin tape, Antibiotic ointment
Sting relief pads, Alcohol pads, Antimicrobial wipes, PVP Prep pads, Irrigation syringe, Zerowet irrigation tip
Liquid skin glue, Tincture of benzoin, Splinter Out, Safety pins, Folding razor knife, Mini utility scissor
Precision tip tweezers, Mini pencil & protective cap, Pocket CPR face shield, Ibuprofen, Aspirin
Acetaminophen, Ranitidine, Diphenhydramine, Meclizine, Hydrocortisone cream,
All labels laser printed on waterproof Rite-in-the-Rain paper, and LokSak Element-Proof Carry Bag
AMP-3 iFak First Aid Kit with MOLLE Bag
is Compact, Comprehensive and Weather Resistant, (iFak) Individual First Aid Kit. Made in the USA and always Hand-Packed one kit at a time. Designed by USNERDOC Prepare now to be prepared.
2x4 Large bandage, Knuckle bandage, Finger-tip bandage, Strip bandages,ABD Pad, 4x4 Gauze pads
Oval moleskin pads,Non-stick pad, Transparent dressings, Butterfly dressings, Skin tape, Antibiotic ointment
Sting relief pads, Alcohol pads, Antimicrobial wipes, PVP Prep pads, Irrigation syringe, Zerowet irrigation tip
Liquid skin glue, Tincture of benzoin, Splinter Out, Safety pins, Folding razor knife, Mini utility scissor
Precision tip tweezers, Mini pencil & protective cap, Pocket CPR face shield, Ibuprofen, Aspirin
Acetaminophen, Ranitidine, Diphenhydramine, Meclizine, Hydrocortisone cream,
All labels laser printed on waterproof Rite-in-the-Rain paper, and LokSak Element-Proof Carry Bag